Jesse Jackson Jr. too close to Blagojevich?

3 thoughts on “Jesse Jackson Jr. too close to Blagojevich?”

  1. I heard his name almost immediately when the Blago shit hit the fan. My gawd, I just hope he had nothing to do with it…. this is going to get much uglier before it’s over because Blago is an ‘effn weasel AND is not going to go down quietly. Nor, will he go down alone. I’m sure every single person who ever tangled with Blago is shaking in their shoes. I just wonder if Obama is shaking too? Ah, Illinois ….

    Can you believe this ass hat wont step down? Are. You. Kidding. Me? Today was “business as usual” for him. It all points to things getting much uglier…..
    Innocent until proven guilty. I believe that, but it sure pains me to say it in this case. I hope there’s at least a way to strip him of his power until his case is decided in court.

    (I can’t wait to see him with a prison haircut … )

  2. i’m hoping Blagojevich will inspire Congress to finally grow a pair and start doing what’s best for the people they represent (by putting this guy away for a long time)

    [I’m not sure Congress has a voice in this case, but certainly the people, legislature, and courts of Illinois do. It would be refreshing to see a state do something positive to clean up its political image.]

... and that's my two cents