We interrupt this program for … a little blogrolling

6 thoughts on “We interrupt this program for … a little blogrolling”

  1. Hey congrats, 30! Really, your very first? I had no idea. That’s very cool.

    And how sweet of you to pass it on, thank you. You’re a doll.

    Big hugs,
    Yeppers. I’m a virgin no longer. 😆
    (You, on the other hand, are already famous, if not yet rich.)

  2. LOL, I’d take the rich if I had to choose – cuz you know, then I could hire a PR and they could make me famous. Are you sure you don’t mean infamous? 😉
    Infamy works, too. Ask the politicians. 🙂

  3. Wow! It’s great to return to one’s blog after being away and getting a shiny award from a cool person! 🙂

    Thank you so much. i’m quite honored.
    Take a bow. You deserve it. 🙂

... and that's my two cents