When is food not food?

3 thoughts on “When is food not food?”

  1. yes, supermarkets are quite absurd. i also speculate on the possibility of nutrition tablets… personally, i think it’s more likely that we continue to compose our diets with processed foods.. and that’s an entirely different matter.
    Emotionally, I doubt humans would do well with just tablets. I don’t mind processing as long as it continues to include real food, not just a lot of fake this and synthetic that.

  2. Yah! Now they are even altering the molecular structure of the food… most corn, canola, potatoes, and soy beans grown in North America are genetically-modified, that’s like ‘synthetic’. What’s even worse is we don’t even know we’re eating it because they don’t have to label it. Thanks for speaking out, it’s refreshing.
    I don’t know if I have a problem with genetically modified grains. It’s comparable to hybridization, isn’t it? And isn’t it done for the same reasons, to improve the crop’s resistance to disease, or drought, or make it grow faster? Have these grains been shown to be harmful to humans? I’ve never looked into it.

  3. This is why I’m learning to hunt and gather and grow, just as the ancient ones did. It is about time humans become more self-sustainable. We take for granted that any food we want is available at the grocery store and we can just swipe our credit cards to take it home. What happens if crisis hits and the mass mobs pillage the shelves, leaving nothing? The only ones able to avoid the anarchy are the ants who have grown and harvested their own food, and have enough bullets to defend themselves from the grasshoppers who come to steal it.
    So you’re a “survivalist”? Or just an avid hunter/outdoorsman? Either way, you’ve landed in a good place. As nearly as I can tell, the Rockies have everything you need.

... and that's my two cents