Burris turned away but undeterred

2 thoughts on “Burris turned away but undeterred”

  1. He may be all those things you say, but the legislature in Illinois had the chance to take Blago’s decision-making rights away, and they didn’t. Therefore, Burress’s appointment was legal. Its kind of B.S. that they didn’t even let him in the capitol building. SOMEONE has to sit in the seat and represent Illinois. Doesn’t the population deserve representation, instead of an empty seat and a lost vote?

    [A report I heard this evening said that getting the signature of the Illinois secretary of state is not actually a legal requirement, nor does the Senate have the legal authority to refuse to seat him. Sounds like Harry Reid doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on.]

  2. They cannot just disregard him… even though it seems pathetic… He seems to me to be a pawn in a game for Blago too- what is he up to now? Blago said he “cares about Illinois” and that’s why he nominated Burris. Oh, so all of a sudden, he cares about Illinois? Pah-lease. Something smells fishy… AGAIN!

    [Surely no one believes Blago “cares about Illinois.” It looks like the only thing he cares about is enriching himself. How on earth did he get elected in the first place?]

... and that's my two cents