Meeting Itamar

2 thoughts on “Meeting Itamar”

  1. That second picture breaks my heart. Fortunately, the other two more than make up for it. Seriously, what is wrong with people? One time my sister’s ex-boyfriend heard chirping coming from a dumpster. Someone threw out a bird cage–with the bird still in it. He saved the bird and named it Lucky, as in “Lucky I found ya.”

    The right dog is out there for you. May fate introduce you to each other soon! 🙂
    Lucky was indeed lucky. What were the odds anyone would pass close enough soon enough to hear him and save him?

    Fate may already have intervened. Itamar’s buddy was a real sweetie. I’m just trying not to lose my head over cuteness.

  2. *ghasp* Oh, that picture of them in Dec. What an amazing recovery! It’s great that you are putting yourself out there and testing the waters. It’s a huge decision and I think it’s brilliant that you are taking your time. Goodluck in your search! There is one lucky pup out there waiting to be loved by you!
    Thanks for the support. It’s a scary decision, considering I’ve made so many bad ones in recent years. I don’t want to make another bad one and have some poor dog paying the price for my folly. Then I keep having this really morbid thought about a pup will probably live 10-12 years, making me as old as 78. Will I be up to caring for a dog then, and still living in a place where I can keep one?

... and that's my two cents