It’s Earth Day 2009; wake up, people!

3 thoughts on “It’s Earth Day 2009; wake up, people!”

  1. Hey 30!
    LOL I won’t debate the merits of Algore with you today – I can hear you saying ‘yippee’ 😉 And I agree that the smog stuff has really muddied up the view in your neighborhood. What surprises me is that Colorada (and the rest of the country for that matter) doesn’t have the same smog certing/requirements as California. It actually has made a huge difference out here. We still get some smog, hard to avoid, however compared to ten years ago, it’s quite a change. I don’t know if this is the only place we have and if man truly makes a dent in climatic conditions on the planet however, I do agree that we should all be good stewards of our physical environment – it’s so easy to recycle and compost and plant trees and reroute grey water that I was doing it long before it became popular.

    To me it’s the same as your home – you either keep it clean and neat or you’re a slob. Both things are telling about a person. I’d like to see more people just care about something other than themselves more you know?

    We do have emissions regulations. Your vehicle has to pass inspection to get licensed. The first time, anyway. And I’ve forgotten if it’s here or someplace else I lived where you can get ticketed for visible emissions. Also red flag warnings prohibiting wood fires when conditions are bad. But we do get some really wicked temperature inversions sometimes, and Denver is in kind of a bowl, and the mountains are always doing weird things with the winds. We maybe exceed the regs once or twice a year. But this is the “progress” made here since my childhood. Huge sprawling suburbs, continuing rapid growth, traffic like no one imagined even 20 years ago. And yet, I moved here too. I’m part of the problem. If only I could convince all these other people to move to … North Dakota? Alaska?

  2. I’m sorry your son went Republican on you. D’OH!!

    We’re probably too late on the climate change remediation. But maybe not. One can only hope. As long as humans continue to pursue their goals in a zero-sum game fashion, all will suffer. We really only have ONE backyard.

    Thanks for posting on this topic.

    😥 Yes, I failed as a mother. I recanted my lifelong Republican registration in 2000, but by then the die was cast. He knows it’s never been cool to mess with Mother Nature; he just can’t stand hearing it from Al Gore.

    I like your “one backyard.” So much more succinct than all my rambling.

  3. The problem that I have with Al Gore is his infatuation with “global warming”. I think the correct term is “climate change”. This is something that’s pretty much indisputable. Our carelessness is destroying our home–the Earth. We all have to do our part to minimize further damage.
    Gore has done a lot to heighten awareness around the world and get people thinking and talking about the issue. But I agree he seems to say mankind is responsible for global warming, ALL global warming. He undermines his own credibility by not making it clear that a certain amount of global climate change (warming and cooling) occurs naturally — always has, always will.

... and that's my two cents