The confirmation circus begins

2 thoughts on “The confirmation circus begins”

  1. Yes, why is Franken on such a committee? I suspect it has to do with the fact that he is a very recognizable face and the dems have control of everything, so they can put whomever they want on any committee, yes? It seems to me that politics looks more and more like reality tv than anything else. Why not? We’ve been so dumbed down as a society I guess it makes sense to them that’s that would be the way to our hearts.
    I thought committee assignments were more or less permanent positions, with the plums going to the most senior senators, and the chairmanships to the party in power. Seems like Franken should be on the least important committee. I’m too lazy to research the facts here. Sad, huh?

  2. Most the questions were prepared by the senators’ staff members; they probably know more about our nation’s constitution than their bosses. I think Al Franken will be fine.
    I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as he gains some experience. He’s done okay so far. I was just curious how the greenest senator in Washington got appointed to what strikes me as one of the more prestigious committees (or perhaps it wouldn’t be if it didn’t happen to have a Supreme Court nomination to deal with right now).

... and that's my two cents