They say autism is on the rise, but …

4 thoughts on “They say autism is on the rise, but …”

  1. I saw that on CNN, too. My first thought was, “What toxins exactly, please?” It’s such a vague word. Anytime I hear that word I start tuning out.
    No kidding. Everything, theoretically, is toxic to somebody. Specifics, please!

  2. All of your points are valid, methinks. Unless autism is on the rise proportionally–as in there is now a higher percentage of kids with it–then it’s tough to call.
    See, I told you stats weren’t my forte. Percentage is what we need to know. And they weren’t talking about that.
    P.S. I paid closer attention this evening and they did mention a percentage increase over the last five years, or some such period.

  3. Thing is, autism is comes in a “spectrum” now. There is a continuum of symptoms/syndromes that can include conditions which may previously have borne other labels.

    In my opinion our minds (as social constructs) are the most fragile aspect of ourselves. Therefore it is the most exposed to all of the many damaging forces in our post post post modern “toxic” lifestyle …

    And with that you get folks trying to find the poisons. Take your pick, the toxins are everywhere. Maybe it’s the red dye #6 or maybe it’s in the immunizations all children receive. Whatever.

    Then there’s the statistical part of this data point. I also heard this news item recently and was surprised to hear that it was thought to be some 10 times more prevalent than Down syndrome, which is about 1 per 800 births.

    Mental illnesses are cataloged in the DSM IV, speaking of stats.

    I wonder if I had some point I was trying to make …

    Oh yeah, it was to say thanks for this interesting post!
    Thx. Your comment is interesting too.

    It’s very disturbing to think that something like autism is increasing and the researchers don’t know why.

  4. Oh yeah, now I remembered my point. It was to try to mitigate the alarm caused by this item in the news. Let’s save our alarm for all the greater disasters that are looming in our near future.

    That was the part of the report that irked me most. They said there was a percentage increase of yea much, and then said the researchers themselves couldn’t say how much of the increase was due to things like I mentioned above and how much was actually new cases. Seems like that amounts to NO STORY.

... and that's my two cents