Your haboob is my dust storm

4 thoughts on “Your haboob is my dust storm”

  1. My dictionary actually has “haboob” and says it is of Arabic origin, late 19th century. Maybe the meteorologists think they deserve a special name since such things haven’t been seen for some 80 years until now. I have seen several spectacular clips of these things now and I have to admit, they are scary as hell.

    1. That’s why I’ve been so puzzled by the sudden popularity of the word this year. It has existed since about 1890, and yet it seems to have become widely used just this year. Until now, “dust storm” worked just fine. Probably just another example of the media parroting each other ad nauseam (remember “full-throated”?)

    1. In Okla., the dust usually blew in from the north or northwest, so there was probably a little Montana mixed in with the stuff from Kansas and Colorado. Wish ya’ll woulda kep it to yerselves.

... and that's my two cents