Semantics in religion and law

9 thoughts on “Semantics in religion and law”

  1. The most obvious idiocy (to me) is that congress apparently passed a (nother) law that is so ambiguous that it can be interpreted and reinterpreted by people (like the president) who have no legislative powers whatever.

    1. Yep, ambiguous laws create all sorts of chaos and just invite legal challenges. Barring a Supreme Court ruling, of course, they leave the door open (often deliberately) to all kinds of interpretation and (mis)application. More Washington skullduggery. Passing a law without passing a law. A pox on all of them.

  2. To expound on the comments by She Speaks and Pied, I believe this is precisely the kind of issue the disorganized conservative right has been searching for, something that is redolent of an attack on religion, to wit, an institution immune from rational analysis, never mind that 98% of all eligible Catholic women choose to avail themselves of contraceptives in direct contravention of church doctrine. To that end, the emotive charges are a perfect indictment of a President whom they see as strange, even sinister, someone outside their own tribe.

    “In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.”
    – Autobiography of Mark Twain

    1. Twain got it right, didn’t he? Scary when you think about it. Still, we have to go forward with open minds, critical thinking, and whatever information we can glean from the countless sources available.

      Conservatives are latching onto anything they can find to use against Obama. They appear to be getting desperate as they realize they don’t have a truly viable candidate with broad appeal. The Catholic bishops, meantime, are becoming increasingly irrelevant as they cling to outdated ideas while the rest of the country (and most of the civilized world) moves into the 21st Century.

... and that's my two cents