Patriot Act under fire from senators & FOI lawsuits

16 thoughts on “Patriot Act under fire from senators & FOI lawsuits”

  1. If you turn over enough rocks, you’re bound to find something you don’t like. I too hope the Times and ACLU succeed in their suits, but I fear it’s going to take a lot more people standing up the way Senators Udall and Wyden did to actually affect real change.

    1. The government has and will cite security concerns to fight the FOI requests and will almost certainly prevail. I’ve yet to hear of a government agency that, once given power, ever agreed to give it up. The agency becomes a living thing, with its own survival and growth its primal concern.

  2. Finally. Someone besides us libertarian cranks is beginning to realize that constitutional prohibitions against government interfering with rights derived from our humanity aren’t worth a damn unless enough of us insist on it.

    1. Apparently these senators have been hammering on this for a while now. I don’t know why it’s taken this long for the media to pick up on it, but it’s high time somebody started howling about the use of the Patriot Act as a justification for whatever intrusions our government dreams up.

  3. I have been against the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act since 2001. First it violates our constitutional rights and second it was supposed to be a temporary measure to combat terrorism with. 10 years and some change later this act remains on the books with little or no talk of taking this “temporary” legislation “permanently” off of the books. To the contrary, people like former Reaganite Edwin Meese has posited the question, “…Tools like the Patriot Act have been instrumental in finding and stopping terrorists. Shouldn’t we have a long-range extention of the investigative powers contained in that Act so that our law enforcement officers can have the tools that we need.”

    Even if Congress was mandated to have the definition of “Temporary” tattooed on their foreheads after they are sworn into office they would find a way to parse “Temporary” into “Permanent”.

... and that's my two cents