Indonesia’s Jember Fashion Carnaval

26 thoughts on “Indonesia’s Jember Fashion Carnaval”

  1. Note the similarity of the faces here. I submit that evolution is effecting a change toward an artistic ideal of symmetry and proportion, mathematical in nature, regarding human faces. I also submit that we are near the epitome of that in pictures like these. What feeling should these thoughts engender?

    1. I would argue that our idea of beauty, an ideal that may vary from one culture to another and one race to another, has no effect on evolution. Evolution is survival of the fittest, not survival of the beautiful — unless we systematically, intentionally “eliminate” ugly people from the gene pool. I’ve read that our American idea of “beautiful” is indeed based on symmetry and proportion, but is this true in other cultures? And even if it is, do other cultures value the same features we do? Thin faces or round? Blonde or brunette? Tall and slender or short and zoftig?

      1. Fair enough, PT. My opinion is based on my own perceptions in life and the media. When I see pictures of people of other races purported to be attractive, I also find them so, including the Brazilian ladies in your own beautiful photographs here. I also note that interracial marriages are becoming more common – wouldn’t that argue for a universality of beauty? That would seem to fit with a Wikipedia page on the subject as well:

        Finally, as far as evolution goes, consider the peacock. He didn’t get that tail to help him fly or evade enemies. 😀

        1. That Indonesians are evolving toward the American ideal of beauty? philosopher made a good point — we don’t know if these photos are representative of Indonesians as a whole. It is a fashion carnival, after all, and these are models. At least that’s the way one story described them. Fashion models tend to be rather atypical, I’ve always thought.

        2. I’d have said universal ideal, but I don’t think there is a single universal ideal. We, you and I, are undoubtedly biased toward our American ideal. Would you think these women beautiful if they were greatly overweight, for example? That’s the ideal in some cultures.

      2. An artistic photographer took photographs that pleased his eye. These are remarkable: colors, design, texture, such detail and fantasy.
        These photos are a small sample of who was there so it would be impossible to determine if these are representative of the whole group/cohort – and if these represent, who by that culture, is considered “best”or preferred. Each culture has its own standards and those vary as you noted.
        But there has been a great deal of research about universal preference of symmetry – and that physically attractive people(that being determined by local standards) generally are given preference and have an easier time finding powerful partners and generally in life. It seems to be an unconscious instinct and survival driven.
        At one time families hid / societies shunned those who looked odd or not “standard”. (marked by evil/dark forces) which limited their chances for survival.
        Something to note, what is “ugly” in one society may be considered “beautiful” in another. One example is extremely fat people.
        So there’s a place for everyone?
        Don’t know about that, but do know that these costumes are amazing.
        Thanks for sharing! Great find!

        1. Admittedly those considered beautiful in any given culture may have a better chance to find a mate (how shallow!), increasing the likelihood of more beautiful children in that society. Assuming the standards for beauty remain the same over multiple generations, that would amount to an evolutionary change. Still, with standards varying from one culture to the next and possibly one generation to the next, I’m not sure we could say human beings as a whole are evolving toward more beauty.

          Thanks to Jim, though, for provoking so much thought on the matter.

    1. What little girl wouldn’t love to dress up in something like this. I can just imagine my granddaughter parading around in all those feathers and spangles (she’d want the one with the most pink and purple).