Disturbing commercial, important message (video)

7 thoughts on “Disturbing commercial, important message (video)”

  1. It’s certainly effective all right. Leaves me wondering though, because the simple message, “education is failing”, leaves the void of what to do about it. For sure it is not as simple as raising teachers’ pay. I have always thought that any viable solution would have to mimic a business model by engaging competition in a capitalistic manner, allowing consumer (parental) choice and being willing for some schools to fail. That would entail a significant cultural change and considerable public angst, but I can’t see it happening any other way. Teachers’ unions will not like my idea.

    1. Of course they won’t like it. They are the ones insisting on tenure and making sure poor teachers aren’t fired. Schools are no better and no worse than the teachers who staff them. Until the poor teachers can be fired and replaced with good ones, I don’t think much will change. And, incidentally, the best teachers need to be amply rewarded. There is nothing more important to our children’s success and the future of our country than their education.

      I heard someone say recently that teachers should not be education majors. They should have majors in the subjects they teach. Another good suggestion for improving our system.

      1. ” . . . that teachers should not be education majors. They should have majors in the subjects they teach. Another good suggestion for improving our system.

        Very good point, PT. That could be a good starting point.

        1. Jim – this should be in huge print on billboards. It’s the critical need and would make huge difference in the classroom.
          It made a huge difference when the “best performing” districts required all applicants to pass the Grad. Entrance Exam.
          Student populations have changed (all kids can learn), student behavior has changed ( yes I took up guns, knives and got socked in the face…how many people are willing to risk that long term?), and parent support has changed – but education is still do-able.
          But it’s gonna take strong, well paid ( non union), well educated determined people to go in there – and society must respect them for their talents and efforts.
          There are plenty of teachers out there – but many not willing to be beaten down and demeaned by the system – so they work elsewhere.
          Great post – great comments

... and that's my two cents