Grandma loves Latitude

14 thoughts on “Grandma loves Latitude”

    1. Yes, they took a laptop, cell phones, cameras, and some sort of portable wifi thingy. I expect calls, text messages, emails with pictures, and Skype calls. Not a lot. They’ll be too busy. But they have the capability.

        1. We were there during a cold Easter (had taken coats and sweaters – they can buy on there as a souvenir – there are bargains) – it was wonderful – no sweating and able to enjoy drinks and food that might be too heavy/hot for warm spring…fog, fine! That’s what all the stories talk about in London. Just a great thing they went

  1. That so cool PT, though I’m a little paranoid of having my own movements tracked like that. Does he get to choose who sees the updates?

    BTW, I’m clicking the “Notify me of new posts via email” box, since all of my email sign-ups have apparently been reset.

    1. Oh yes, you can set exactly who sees your location, by name. And you can turn it on or off anytime. Like when I go to meet my secret lover and don’t want my son to see … 😉

  2. Fascinating developments. And yet… though many of my peers in the 70+ world see my blogging as amazing and mysterious it is tough to convince them to get online more than for email.

    Feel myself drifting behind the tech world. Finally got onto FB for social justice concerns but texting out of the question!

    1. Somewhere there’s a disconnect between seniors who know, love, and embrace technology and those who don’t, and I can’t always understand why. I do feel I’m at a huge advantage having a techie son who can explain things to me or do things for me that would have me at my wit’s end otherwise.

... and that's my two cents