Erie’s isn’t the only green mess in the news

5 thoughts on “Erie’s isn’t the only green mess in the news”

    1. I love that bear. Not sure how the vandals got the paint up there, though; in the photo in the old post, it looks like the roof overhangs him. Anyway, officials are saying it’s latex paint, so shouldn’t be too hard to remove.

  1. I love that bear! Fools!
    (Don’t appreciate what you’ve got until it’s gone – they had to remove mosaic benched and shut fountains along part of our downtown rail line because vandals kept prying pieces out…they brought the artist back multiple times for repairs before giving up)

    1. The bear was pressure washed today. 6 pm news showed a guy up on a cherry picker with a hose, making good progress.

      What a shame your downtown project had to be abandoned because of vandals. Thoughtless destruction, especially when it’s repeated like that, infuriates me. And how very sad for the artist, to see his work constantly vandalized and ultimately abandoned/removed.

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