Think pink

10 thoughts on “Think pink”

  1. I have never really thought that much about it; the first thing to pop was for breast cancer awareness. I wear pink, but prefer burgundy. Once i used a pink halter on my mare… she rolled & got it all muddy, so guess she wasn’t a pink girl, either. Love Erik S’s work– this of the Keyboard is incredible; without the Diamond showing, it does conjure Mordor, perhaps. Thanks for illustrating your post with it! 🙂

    1. Stensland has been my favorite RMNP photographer since I came across his work a few years ago. I have featured it occasionally. I keep swearing to visit his gallery the next time I’m in Estes, but the park always wins.

      It’s nice knowing someone else who appreciates his work and the places he shoots, like the Keyboard.

  2. Pink is a color that I only like in certain tones and not too much of it. Used to be my favorite color as a little girl. But then what little girl in my generation didnt like pink?

    1. I like hot pink, fuchsia, magenta, all the deep jewel tones leaning into the purples. Then through purples into blues and blue-greens. I like all the cool colors.

  3. I agree that pink has been far too stereotyped PT, and though I agree it can look good on a man, I was never quite “socially flamboyant” enough to wear that color much myself, especially growing up in an environment where such flamboyance was associated with gays and pimps. These days, hopefully, with black being all the rage with the goth and vamp crowds, perhaps the negativity associated with it may just take some of the pressure off guys who dare to wear pink… Or should I say Coral? 😀

    1. Coral, yes. I was about to correct you. When I was growing up, lavender/purple was the “gay” color. You couldn’t wear those colors to school without provoking comment. Yet somehow I forgot or got over that stereotype. One of the combinations I liked best on my ex was a lavender shirt with a navy blazer, and a striped tie with both colors.

  4. Pink wasn’t a favored color of mine when I was a kid. That was probably due to stereotyping and my strong desire to individuate. As I developer as an artist I came view pink in a different light and how to use it effectively in paintings. Gradually a few pink colored pieces of clothing appeared in my closet in college. Goth is yesterday where I live. I don’t have much pink at all on my closet now and I deliberately avoid wearing black.

    1. I think black can be very chic (I’m too old to have been in on Goth), but I own only one or two black items. Impossible to keep black clothes looking good unless I leave the house immediately. Otherwise, I pick up dog and cat hair (both light colored) like a magnet.

  5. Me too, PT. The pinks of the skies never fail to be breathtaking. I shall never forget when the Icelandic volcano was erupting, the skies here were filled with all sorts of shades of pink. It is a much undervalued colour.

... and that's my two cents