Just say no to fracking

2 thoughts on “Just say no to fracking”

  1. This one is as controversial as global warming, yet i rarely see coverage of substance. Fracking was touted as having negligible environmental impact and the best alternative to the openly destructive strip mining for oil shales… whopping lies for sure. Had read of the injection wells as causing the swarm quakes, but did not follow up as to what was involved. Alternatives to petroleum are there, albeit with inherent issues; seems like solving those problems (like hazards to wildlife, particularly birds) would better serve us all. Another area i worry about is the draining of the NA aquifers. Wish there was a way to redirect floodwaters to replenishing them… but sure don’t want to cause even more earthquakes. Our Earth needs help.

    1. It’s really tragic that no one in power seems to put Earth near the top of their priority list. I sometimes feel the Earth is a sinking ship, but rather than repair the leaks, the people on board just continue with their everyday lives, trusting that even though no one is fixing the leaks, the ship will surely make it to port. A few of them even insist that there are no leaks and that excess water in the bilge is perfectly normal.

... and that's my two cents