Walking back the news, or not

9 thoughts on “Walking back the news, or not”

  1. After reading several articles related to the story in the magazine “Politicol” by author Mark Ambinder,I truly wonder if that magazine can be trusted to check out a story BEFORE they publish it?

    1. Oh Politico isn’t alone in that. Far too many media outlets publish or broadcast without adequate fact-checking beforehand. More important to be first than right. Market share. Advertising. Money. Truth and accuracy take a back seat.

  2. Sadly the “drunk agents crashing” will live on in everyone memory, and I doubt the reporters or editors care much – the drunk story sounds better than nudged a barrel

  3. Good post, and I agree. It occurs to me that journalism has conceived of numerous awards for itself, many for newspapers, but I know of none that roasts those who screw up. It has been done for bad movies, so why not a counterpoint for the Pulitzers?

    As for the Secret Service scandals, that is a problem I think will not be easily solved. What kind of person would seek that kind of job? Someone intelligent (of course) and ambitious, but also a risk-taker and a seeker of adventure. Probably not a family person, but someone who likes to travel. The military has plenty of such and one characteristic of them is an enjoyment of camaraderie and cathartic celebration of such. If you change that culture, you imperil the group dynamics that make them effective. Seems to me.

    1. The Secret Service has its problems, as do most organizations, but it remains to be seen whether this latest incident is actually a problem or just a case of misreporting and exaggeration. I’m certainly not criticizing them and don’t know enough to suggest they make any changes. They have a new guy in charge and I’m content to let him do his job. As with everything else in Washington, much of the criticism is probably politically motivated anyway.

... and that's my two cents