The new Boeing 787-9 … fasten your seat belts!

7 thoughts on “The new Boeing 787-9 … fasten your seat belts!”

  1. What a beautiful aircraft.

    I noticed two features that depart from past designs, the flexibility of the wings under load and the thinness of the wings, i.e., that they are smaller when viewed from above.

    The near vertical takeoff is impressive, but of course the one in this video it doesn’t have 32 tons of passengers and luggage on board!

    1. Yep, I figure as light as possible. Maybe even no seats installed. And minimal fuel. Still, very impressive.

      I too have noticed some of the newer planes have much thinner, more flexible wings. Lighter metals or composites, maybe? Certainly adds grace to their flight, along with more practical considerations. They look like a swift’s wings.

  2. What a beautiful bird! My first flight in a commercial liner was in a DC-3. Amazing progress in air transport in a relatively short period of history.

    1. I don’t remember what kind of plane I first flew in. Whatever was common in the ’50s. Looked like the Bogart movies … walking out to the chain link fence, through the gate, across the tarmac to the plane. Flying was special then; we dressed up for flights. Got good food and good service in the air. Times sure have changed.

... and that's my two cents