Or we could just ban recess altogether

16 thoughts on “Or we could just ban recess altogether”

      1. Actually, probably not. Your post about the school shows a reaction that is the tip of a social epidemic in our legal system; it empowers people to be victims entitled to compensation for everything.

        1. I’m afraid you’re right. Even as I was writing about this particular absurdity, I was thinking about the bigger picture — all the talk of microaggressions and trigger warnings at the college level and the distortions of political correctness in society as a whole. I don’t know where it’s all going to end, but it’s both alarming and depressing.

  1. I must be lucky because I don’t remember knowing any of the millions of children who must have been maimed or killed during recess when we played dodge ball, football, and trying for a record when jumping from the swing at the near horizontal apex. But then, I’m old and my memory isn’t what it once was.

    1. I was similarly lucky with dodge ball and (horrors) red rover. I did my swing-jumping at home, where we had a playground-quality swing and a nice soft lawn to land on. Only dirt landings at school, and the teachers would have killed me.

      You don’t suppose our memories were damaged by all that swing-jumping … ?? I mean, jumping from a swing when you’re halfway to the sky could be dangerous …

    1. Schools were different when those parents were educated. They got to play tag. Of course, the teachers were educated then too. But somewhere along the line, something got screwed up. Common sense went out the window. Political correctness became all important. Or something. Society has become a terrible mess with wrong-headed priorities and …

      Sorry. Old lady starting to rant. I’ll be quiet now.

  2. What are kids to do at recess these days? Why, text each other on their smartphones, I would think. Or take pictures of each other and post them on Instagram. Quite sad, eh?