And these were to be our future leaders

16 thoughts on “And these were to be our future leaders”

    1. Makes me wonder if there will be a university worthy of the name when my grandkids, now 9 and 13, get ready to go. And at what kind of univ. does the president throw up his hands and quit because of a bunch of fractious students (at Mizzou)?

  1. This is so disgusting on several levels. Apparently Georgetown University kicked off this movement which was recently joined as I understand it by Yale and the University of Missouri to mention a couple. Of all places, why would students attending colleges and universities want to hide behind closed doors for fear of discourse and interaction with both ideas and ideals that don’t comply with theirs? Especially in institutions of higher learning where such things should on a daily basis be encouraged. I recently read the following…

    “A new poll commissioned by Young America’s Foundation found that more than 60 percent of college students believe political correctness on their campuses makes it difficult to talk openly about a variety of critical issues.”

    I have to honestly say I am at somewhat a loss of words that a growing segment of our society that wants to hide under their beds in an effort to preserve their often prejudiced and self-righteous ideals without entering into a sincere social discourse to test their validity.

    1. I’ve been appalled for months as the discussions about “trigger warnings” and “microaggressions” have spun out of control and beyond all reason on our campuses. Ridiculous! Open discourse, thoughtful examination of contradictory ideas and values, new ideas — these are the bread and butter of a college education. Now, instead of preparing students for life in the world at large, our campuses are being turned into giant day care centers — by the students! Nobody’s going to give them their “safe spaces” when they leave school. I’d give them a lot of leeway for free speech, demonstrations, etc., but when they start disrupting the campus to the point that other students and their instructors are afraid to go to class, I’d kick them out. Serious students who are there to get an education should be able to do so, unhampered by their fellow “students.” (And has anyone checked to see if all the troublemakers actually are students and not outside agitators?)

  2. Well, I guess I’ve been hiding under a rock all this time. I had to look up the college safe space thing. But, I can’t say I was surprised either. Silliness and high-jinks have been a part of college as long as I can remember, but there used to be a serious side to it also. I think that’s changed as more and more young people seem to view it as an entitled way of delaying entrance into the work force. One has to wonder whether the college experience is really worth much nowadays, especially considering that college debt now exceeds the nation’s credit card debt.

    1. Tuitions have risen to absurd levels, it’s true. But plenty of students still think higher education is worth it. They should not be hampered in those efforts by other “students” who think the campuses are theirs to run as they please. Frankly I don’t see how the troublemakers can afford to gain admission and pay tuition just so they can run around and disrupt things and demand their “safe spaces” free from “trigger warnings,” “microaggressions,” “hurtful speech,” etc. When they’re out of school and own their own, they’re going to find a far different, much less tolerant world with no “safe spaces.”

      Rubio was right. We do need more trade schools. Not everyone is suited for or needs (or can afford) a traditional college education. But by the time you leave high school, you’d best be choosing one path or the other if you’re going to make your way in the world.

      1. You are absolutely right about what college students ought to do, but in my experience, the great majority do not. I was XO of an NROTC unit in the late ’70’s and I can tell you that then, even the average qualified Midshipman had thought very little about tailoring his or her education to a career. I doubt that this has gotten any better since. For the majority, college is a cafeteria of soft courses and has become a mere extension of a pampered lifestyle insulated from reality. IMO.

        1. Certainly that seems to be the case today. At least that’s the impression I get from media coverage — which, as we know, can totally distort reality by not showing, in this case, the students who are there to get a meaningful, useful education. My college experience was that most students were seriously thinking about their goals after they graduated. Or maybe that’s just the way I saw it because that was my personal intent — to prepare for some sort of career. Otherwise, there’d have been no reason to be there.

  3. I have to say one of the first things I thought when reading about these “safe rooms” is what are the citizens of this country going to do if there ever is an incursion into our country by foreign forces? Do the poor souls think they can just declare a ‘time out’ for themselves or even a ‘safe room’. To me just the inference of these safe rooms causes me to shutter that there may be a large faction of citizens out there who are not willing to step forward for their country in time of real need. Some may think I am way overstating the implications of such seemingly minor occurrences as the subject matter but I personally don’t think so.

    1. That’s what’s so sad about all this. Real life, outside of their “safe” university environment, is not going to heed their cries against microaggressions, hurtful language, etc. There will be no time outs, no safe spaces, no place to hide. If we are ever attacked by foreign forces, I’m sure these sadly misinformed, delusional students will be among those fleeing in panic. They will find, of course, that in the real world, there’s no hidin’ place.

  4. Can’t think of much to say that Alan G. has not said. I agree completely with his comments. My university was proud of a saying on a plaque attached to the administration building that said the institution was dedicated to “that constant sifting and winnowing through which the truth is found.” The youngsters participating in these ill-advised demonstrations need short courses in where they are, and why.

    1. Yes, but try to require such courses and they’d demonstrate against the university’s “hurtful language” or some such thing. Those spoiled brats apparently don’t realize how lucky they are to be at a university in the first place. There are plenty of less well off young people out there who would love to be there in their places, getting a college education.

... and that's my two cents