Twenty-one years ago: The Oklahoma City bombing

6 thoughts on “Twenty-one years ago: The Oklahoma City bombing”

    1. It was scheduled in advance to post on April 19 and has now been published. I’m sorry that some WordPress glitch notified you early about something not yet published.

  1. The year before the Oklahoma City disaster, an idiot in a pickup truck drove through the glass doors of the front entrance at the Federal Building in Ogden, UT, where I worked. He had some incredible plan that by doing so he was taking revenge on IRS workers, a few of whom had offices in the building. That was the same year I retired, so I got only a small taste of the terror those types of events create in people who must go to work in targeted buildings.

    All my good thoughts go to the survivors and families of those lost in Oklahoma City on the anniversary of the bombing.

    1. Wish I had a way to pass that on to all concerned. I was lucky that my office was five miles away that day, and yet our building shuddered and we all rushed outside to see what had happened. Not until we went back inside and turned on the TV did we figure it out. Figuratively speaking, the entire city shook that day.

... and that's my two cents