Today is the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade

30 thoughts on “Today is the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade”

  1. johnthecook…OVER 58,000,000. abortions have been performed since 1973,and that is just in the United States of America! How sick is that?

    1. The right existed in some states but not in others. The Supreme Court ensured that every woman in every state would have the right. What’s sad is that 45 years later people are still trying to overturn it

        1. which would probably clear the debt of all countries,
          They should be paying taxes they’re just another business masquerading as something holy/scared, and are just money hungry.
          But then I’m an atheist. 👿

        2. As far as I’m concerned, giving them tax exmpt status is government support of religion, and that’s unconstitutional. Plus most of them violate the terms by getting into politics.

        3. johnthecook…abortions should not be about religion. Doctors can and do operate on babies in the womb long before their birth which is more than solid evidence;even empirical proof, that that a babies life begins long before birth. Doctors do not operate on dead tissue, Dead tissue is removed to preserve life and not to destroy life. Most abortions destroy life,and are performed just because of choice…the woman does not want the baby.

        4. Regardless of what you believe, what a woman does with her body is none of your business. On the other hand, though, prostate cancer seems to be on the rise so rather than having my insurance cover something I don’t have (a prostate), I think men should be castrated at 40 to 45 — or perhaps sperm saved early on and castrated at 30 — in order to keep the occurrence of prostate cancer to a minimum. Yeah, that’s a weak comparison, but just as you wouldn’t want a woman – or anyone – saying what can and cannot be done with your body, it is no one else’s business what I do with my body. That’s between me and my doctor. If anyone somehow stops a woman from having an abortion, then that person who stopped the procedure needs to care for that child for the rest of their lives. I bet you’d see a lot less protesting going on.

        5. How about in the the case where the woman is raped/gang raped and becomes pregnant? That fine with you too? Where do you draw the line?
          Some women may destroy the baby rather than keep something she abhors and is not cut out or designed to be; a mother. What life would you expect that unwanted being to have?? Perhaps you’d like to take on the care and health and welfare of all unwanted babies feeling as you do; but in the meantime it’s a womans body and a womans right. and not for some selfish male ego to decide.

    1. It sure is. I can’t imagine some total stranger telling me what I can or cannot do with my own body, especially telling me I have to carry a pregnancy to term and be a mother the rest of my life. It’s my choice, no one else’s.

  2. People always say they are strong supporters of diversity, but if you are, then you realize/accept not every culture/society/religion/philosophy views pregnancy, birth, and children the same way. Either face your closed hypocritical minds or shut up about loving diversity, freedom to live and think as you wish.
    I strongly dislike seeing men and children out there marching for or against women’s reproductive rights. This is a women’s issue.
    Sadly it’s like the working moms vs the stay at home moms bitter arguments, name calling, and finger pointing. Women could have actually have major impact and get things done, but can’t focus and get along among themselves. To unite and accept variations/diversity among their own is the only way forward.
    Maybe that’s a conspiracy promoted by men: divide and conquer? Stupid continues

    1. I’ve no problem with men marching. It shows me that at least some of them understand and support women’s rights. Children who march are either being used as props or the parents couldn’t find a babysitter. Also, although women’s rights were the original reason for the marches, they grew to include many causes, not the least of which was DACA and immigration rights.

  3. johnthecook…When you are pronounced dead when your heart stops;WHY are you not pronounced ALIVE when your heartbeat begins?

    1. Because a fetus hasn’t been born yet. It is not yet a living, breathing human being. But this post isn’t about that. This post is about celebrating every woman’s right to choose what’s right for her. Regardless of your own beliefs, I would hope you respect that right.

  4. johnthecook…it is not hard to understand that a baby in the womb IS a living,breathing human being protected from harm in the womb until it can survive outside the womb without super human effort;unless there are complications.Remember Medical Doctors already go into the womb to correct medical deficiencies before birth. We all have CHOICES,and as we all know not all choices are good or correct. There will be consequences and we can all take that to the bank. Thank you so much for letting me express MY opinion on the subject. I do not want to offend you or anyone else,and I will not labor on this topic on your blog. You are a great host…V/R johnthecook

    1. For the record: A fetus in the womb does not breathe. Viability, when it can breathe and survive outside the womb is about 20-21 weeks. Approximately 98% of abortions occur before then. (Per the CDC)

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