Wild Basin webcam is my new favorite

4 thoughts on “Wild Basin webcam is my new favorite”

  1. The best part of the park! (and still beautiful after all these years)
    Believe it or not one of the actual Meekers moved to Houston and lived near us at our old house. And the stories/history they could tell.(We could never figure out why they relocated – even if the job was good, location, location, location.)
    Thanks for the wonderful pix and the cam!

    1. I haven’t been up into Wild Basin in quite a few years. Last time I checked, the parking had gotten really bad and it was hard to get in there. I used to value it for being sort of quiet and relatively unknown. And because you could hike directly in from Allenspark. (It’s been decades since I could do that.) Also, in later years I came to appreciate the amenities available in Estes, even though I hate the traffic.

      Can’t imagine leaving there to move to Houston. I might have left a mountain home to move into Longmont or north Denver, but all the way to Houston? Not a chance.

... and that's my two cents