And now a word from our sponsor …

10 thoughts on “And now a word from our sponsor …”

  1. Backache, bad hip, menstrual pain … could be any of these. Maybe if it was more than one arm it wouldn’t look as ridiculous. Though it might look like she’s doing the chicken dance. 😉

    Looks black to me, too. And that pose makes the dress look like the cut is none too attractive. Hard pass.

    1. Awful, isn’t it? I think any passerby on the street could choose a better photo. I thought at least models were supposed to show off the clothes, but she doesn’t even do that.

    1. These days one never knows. Some people have such sloping shoulders that they look abnormal (to me, anyway). But now that I look at it closely, it does look a bit odd. Real or photoshopped, it’s a horrible picture to choose for an ad … unless you’re advertising a product for backache.

... and that's my two cents