Rest in Peace, Boulder victims

24 thoughts on “Rest in Peace, Boulder victims”

  1. Whomever comes up with a cure and solution for mental health and violent unstable individuals who are a threat to society will deserved the ultimate Nobel Peace Prize.

    Of all places, Boulder.

    Senseless…except to that one of confused and damaged thinking.

    1. Is this the normalcy we’ve longed to return to? If I could, I’d seize and destroy every AR-15 in the country and ban any further production. No civilian needs an AR-15 or similar weapon.

      1. I’m with you 100%. All the arguments put forth, the beating of chests that it’s our God given right to own these weapons of mass destruction…those who argue this lunacy have to know, deep down, that the truth is simply that they want them and won’t be told no.
        Like a spoiled, selfish child, I WANT IT…GIVE IT TO ME!

      2. Frustration and outrage – we all feel it.
        But how to deal with one with a known (by friends and family) to have a well defined long tendency of paranoia, explosive short-fused violence – even against friends (even charged with assault), a hostile view of others whom he felt disdained his religion – the religion he was devoted to, his “need for a girl friend” and was even known to the FBI who was interested in his associates.
        One intending to do harm, will find a way – anything can become a weapon. Even a coke bottle with fuel and a rag, a car, an ax, a high heel.
        As in all the other cases, including Atlanta, people/family knew before it happened.
        He frightened some in West high school.
        Society as a whole has to find a way to recognize and to intervene to protect society before the irrational, angry, violent individual acts.
        That’s much harder than taking things away, but it’s the only way to really stop the violence.
        The big male elephant of the San Diego zoo showed more restraint and control than most humans.

        1. Of course anything can become a weapon. But few items can kill as many people as fast as a weapon designed to do precisely that. My first thought when I heard about the shooting was “what if he hadn’t had that weapon?”

        2. Or what if he hadn’t had the thought or if someone had stopped him.
          We have a mentally unstable relative ( tin foil on the windows is not a joke to one who is paranoid “they” are listening and watching – as with this shooter.) Probably see it from a different perspective. (and sadly he has to be drugged into a numbness – his life is lesser, but society is protected)
          People have responsibility.
          Despite years of ranting and hand wringing, little has be done with mental health issues since Gabby Gifford
          Need to focus on the primary cause to heal and protect the individual and society

        3. There are those known to be unstable. And there are those who act impulsively and unpredictably. In either case, you don’t want a gun within reach, much less an AR-15 or anything like it.

          I don’t see mental health issues as the primary cause of mass shootings. I see them as two separate issues: mental health and weapons capable of mass killing.

        4. Two issues, but historically tied in the US – if you research…starting with Poe elementary school when I was a kid and the Luby’s cafeteria massacre when I was grown. Parkland HighSchool (read “Why Meadow Died” by her dad – appalling how many clear signs were ignored, how many warnings were ignored, all the people who could have stopped it – if they had bothered)
          Human nature – and the impulse to strike and kill rather than live among others in peace and walk away is a difficult puzzle
          Killing won’t stop until work is done there we’re tried, but taking away objects won’t steady minds or protect.
          A great start would be to enforce ALL the gun laws already on the books – and tightens them up – just as legal responsible gun owners prefer. Each state has that right and power. It is faster to get things done on a state level – may states have solid laws – but useless if not implemented or enforced.
          On a humorous note, sometimes I think FB and social media have become a weapon of mass destruction.
          Hope it’s warmer today there – Spring is coming. Promise.

  2. So sad and needless, one pull of the trigger from a mind bent on destruction. I think there should be more checks done on gun owners in your country. I feel a good handgun should be all that is needed to defend yourself. All other guns should be restricted to gun clubs where they can be used under supervision but not taken away. Hunters need to be registered and vetted regularly for physical and mental problems and only allowed to own a hunting rifle if they pass the most stringent tests. However I think it is the same in your country as it is in the UK. Criminals never have any problem getting weapons and have nothing to lose by using them. Honest, law abiding and responsible gun owners are very unlikely to risk everything and use guns on the public. I agree AR 15’s and other assault rifle type firearms should not be available to the public to buy and own. Since being able to ‘bear arms’ is a right in your country I don’t see any quick fixes though.

        1. I suspect this was intended as a reply to my comment above about your harsh words. Law-abiding citizens who choose to go about their lives without carrying guns are not “victims.” Only someone with a gun and evil intent would see them that way. Blaming the victims is never a good look.

... and that's my two cents