Are you registered to vote?

14 thoughts on “Are you registered to vote?”

    1. I hit a snag when I first tried to register because I had to get a new birth certificate from Missouri. The original I presented is so old they wouldn’t accept it (the embossing had become too faint, I guess).

      Anyway, wild horses couldn’t stop me from voting. So very much is riding on it these days.

  1. Great post, Susan.
    In Ohio, the last day to register is October 11. I work part-time for my county’s Board of Elections, and I want everyone to get registered and then vote. If you don’t vote, you lose a fundamental right.. ~nan

    1. Hi, Nan. Welcome to PT. Your work is vital to our election system. Thank you!! The right to vote — and actually voting — is fundamental to our democratic system of government.

... and that's my two cents