My (page) designing mind

3 thoughts on “My (page) designing mind”

  1. Help me. I don’t care enough about how my blog looks. What can I do? Every time I look at it I think it’s good enough. I don’t want to change themes. Yet new ones keep coming out as if to tell me I should. I just want to write shit. I don’t want to screw around with settings. I don’t want to invest more time in this. I only started blogging for the therapeutic value. I’m a “therapy” blogger. What can I do? Why don’t I care more? People around me keep changing their themes and adding new widgets. It’s blowing my mind. AHHHH!

    1. Aww, relax, dood. You’re in the majority. Only a few folks are as indecisive and obsessive-compulsive as I am about this stuff; this post is for them — and my analyst.

... and that's my two cents