More live webcams in Estes Park

7 thoughts on “More live webcams in Estes Park”

  1. Holiday weekend or non-holiday weekend, I leave it all to the masses and I board up for the duration myself. I come out of my little hole after they have all gone back to their weekly exercise wheel routines. That’s one of the perks of being retired! 🙂

    1. I spent many vacations in a rented cabin in Estes, right in the middle of all the summer and early autumn chaos. Believe me, I appreciate being retired and now living just 90 minutes away. I can go whenever I want, which is rarely during the summer.

  2. Webcams are the only sensible way to travel on holidays! Like the area, but not sure I’d be able to tolerate the summers….it’s bad enough here with the tourists and it’s not near the mob that Estes sees for the fireworks

    1. The only thing worse than Estes in the summer is Estes in the summer on a weekend, topped in turn by Estes in the summer on a holiday weekend. I found years ago that it’s much nicer to go after Labor Day, in September and October.