Let’s go, Joe!

4 thoughts on “Let’s go, Joe!”

  1. Biden is a reasonable choice. What America needs in these partisan times is a uniter, not a divider. Joe is old and slowing down but he would bring with him a capable and experienced team.

    1. Younger would be better, of course — if that were the only concern. Remember, Sanders is a year older than Biden. It’s been encouraging to see both Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropping out and endorsing Biden (can’t have been easy for either of them). Moderates needed to unite around someone. Klobuchar is still in the Senate and I look forward to seeing lots more of Buttigieg in the future. Now I’d like to see Bloomberg swallow his ego, drop out, and throw his millions behind Biden. (But I’m not holding my breath,)

  2. A big concern now is who will the VP be. Critical as Biden/others could decide he’s muddled and it would be wise for him to step aside. VP…probably a woman (Pleeeeease not Hillary. Warren wants it as well as a couple of other like the GOv. of Michigan) then the Speaker of the House is next in line.
    Joe – please take care, be careful going down stairs, and in dark alleys. Politics makes things crazy.
    Yes, Bloomberg, please go away. (His constant stupid arrogant ads drove us totally insane as this is a targeted state)

    1. I think Klobuchar would be a good VP, and Warren is smart as a whip. Lots of good women out there, to be chosen with care because whoever is chosen will be well-positioned to run for pres. in four years. (I can’t imagine Biden trying for a second term.) Definitely not Hillary. I don’t ever want to see her in politics again, or hear from her.

      Bloomberg went nuts here in Colo too. We don’t have the delegates you have, but being a purple state in an election year is a real drag. I’m so glad phone blockers have finally evolved to block all that garbage.