Colorado ballot boasts 16 presidential candidates

10 thoughts on “Colorado ballot boasts 16 presidential candidates”

  1. Hey there, nice blog. I realize the need to devote time to researching these other parties. The domination by the Democrats and Republicans has to end. I am not sure 16 parties are the answer, but there has to be a valid third party in that group.
    Thanks for stopping by.

    If the all the minor parties and independents joined forces, they might add up to a viable third party. But I’m guessing voters look to the “Big Two” because everyone wants their vote to count and hopes to back a winner. I don’t know how you get around the problem of establishing a viable party without voters, or getting votes without having a viable party.

  2. The Socialist Party USA appears to be the Socialist Party in the U.S. (If they stick around long enough, Congress may invite them in to help plan the great bailout/rescue of ‘08.)


    I am agetting a little peeved at this point – I am a bloody socialist, a REAL one – and now, now, NOW we have some crappy guy called George Bush screwing around with socialism in the USA and spoiling the whole sodding thing for us REAL socialists!

    Tell him the feck off cos socialism is ours, not his – he should get his own capitalist arse back where it was – and he needs to get out and support John McCain!
    LOL! You don’t think McCain is buried deep enough already? You want Bush to get out there and bury him even deeper?

    Hey, dude, this is the US of A. If we want want to do socialism, we can do socialism. And we can probably do it better than anyone else! You just watch. (Meantime, I may have to postpone my move to Canada. My retirement funds have sorta tanked.)

  3. Ms Pyde! ( This is how your name will have to be) – in Canada you get a pension from the government even if you haven’t paid a dime in!

    Now that is socialism. – The Americans can’t do socialism!!!!!!!!

    Unless you’re a bank.
    Apparently we can’t do banks, either. 🙁

  4. I am confused. I thought Obama was in the socialist party which was founded by George Bush in 2008. I’m thinking the rules in Colorado might be loose enough, that I’ll put my own name down next year. I have no faith in McCain or Obama. The problem is that 14 other choices are a bit much to sort through.
    Hey, you might as well hop on board next time around. The more, the merrier. It appears that just about anyone who wants to can get on the ballot in Colorado. In the meantime, you can form your own party. Good luck. 🙂

  5. I questioned the same thing … why in the world are there 16 candidates and why would they run, especially in this election? I was informed that if a party can obtain a certain percentage of votes, it “legitimizes” (I use this term very loosely here) them and makes them eligible for government funding for their campaigns.
    So most of these “unknowns” are just hoping to get enough votes this time around to qualify for govt funding next time around? I’ll bet there are a couple in there who are just on expensive ego trips and harbor no illusions about ever being real contenders.

... and that's my two cents