Bull in a gift shop

8 thoughts on “Bull in a gift shop”

  1. Well, that’s nothing like those ‘funniest video’ shows. He just looks like he decided to casually stop in while out window shopping. As far as the lack of damage goes, check out this clip from The Mythbusters…

    1. Heh, this is great. I guess they don’t want to bump into things any more than we do — unless they’re scared or angry. I thought that one display might crash when the elk juggled it, and I kept looking at that glass display case to the left of the door.

      Somewhere in the story the shop owner said he was glad the elk didn’t poop while inside. With thousands of dollars of merchandise at stake, I doubt I’d have thought about that. But then, he had 45 minutes to worry about what might happen.

        1. What? no back doors? After that last fire?
          (Not to mention how do they get the stock inside with the narrow street and crowds…)
          Oh, now I remember that building…old and scenic…but some of the doors are warped and hard to close…right by that watering hole, path with easy access for elk.
          Maybe he was practicing reindeer games….is there a rivalry? HA HA
          great post

        2. Yep, the building has that big water wheel right beside it, and then a parking lot next to that.
          Who knows, maybe those reindeer games include hide and seek and he was hiding. Or maybe just doing some early Christmas shopping. Or just browsing, the way we all do when in town.

... and that's my two cents