Double, double toil and trouble

13 thoughts on “Double, double toil and trouble”

  1. The Big Bang Theory did a pretty good job of showing just how silly this idea is in an episode from at least a season or two ago. Sheldon couldn’t go to work for some reason, so he jury-rigged a similar contraption because he just couldn’t imagine the world going on without his annoying “presence” to keep things in order. Logically, that should have been the end of that, but I suspected there may be hoards of geeks out there scrambling to make their own anyway… 😕

    1. That’s how it was portrayed on “NCIS:LA” — as the boss zipping silently around the office watching and listening to employees, to their very great displeasure.

    1. OMG… it’s a good thing that Will Ferrell hasn’t thought about using one of these to promote Anchorman 2. Lately I’ve been feeling link Ron Burgandy has been stalking me. Every time I turn around, change the channel, watch the news, Burgandy is there. Not that I had much of an interest in the movie to begin with as I don’t care for this type of humor – although I do like the group sing of “Afternoon Delight” – I have NO desire now to see this movie after it comes out on video. I’m sure not going to pay good money at a theater to see it.

      1. The first Anchorman was on TV yesterday or the day before. I’d never seen it, so watched for a while to see what all the commotion is about. Boring! Not particularly funny. Glad I didn’t pay money to see it. I can’t imagine the over-hyped second one being any different. And yes, I can easily see the Double appearing in such a movie.

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