Grammar gloom

12 thoughts on “Grammar gloom”

  1. Down here my pertickler hate isn’t yours, but that of DISCREET vs DISCRETE: there isn’t a single instance I’ve come across where the person writing the article has got it right.

    A grumpy old girl wrote a tweet
    In which she complained, with some heat,
    Of the habit today
    Of news writers who say
    Discreet when they should say discrete.

    (Sorry about the ‘tweet’: but what the devil ARE things written within “X” ?????

    1. At least in speech they sound the same. I gag when I hear somebody on tv say, “And tonight it’s Westminster verse Broomfield.” ARRRGH!!

      As for discreet and discrete, I sometimes have to look those up to be sure. After all, I can’t remember everything. Nice limerick. And as far as I’ve noticed, people are still saying “tweet” when talking about “X.”

      1. See, that’s something that simply isn’t said Downunder, your pet hate, Colorado. I feel sure I would be even more choleric than you, if it were ..

  2. One of my biggest grammar pet peeves is the use of “me” instead of when it should be “I” in the subject (or any subjective pronoun). The TV pundits are perpetuating this, too.

    1. It’s unfortunate that news people have to prioritize the news instead of their grammar while lots of people learn their grammar from what they hear on the news. It’s even more unfortunate that they didn’t learn proper English in school before they became journalists. It’s embarrassing to those of us who graduated from j-school many years ago.

    1. What!? You mean AI doesn’t do it all for you? Spelling, grammar, syntax, sentence construction, etc? Not very helpful when you still have to decide which option is correct. And yes, I turned off all spell checkers. If I need to know, I know where to look.

  3. As a retired editor, I’m appalled by the careless use of language. On Next Door, many people have stopped using punctuation, so you have to guess where a sentence begins and ends.

    1. Oh, I understand. Today’s “journalists” are flat out embarrassing and years ago I stopped mentioning that my degree is in journalism. My excuses for people on NextDoor include 1. English is their second language, 2. To keep it short, young people often drop punctuation and abbreviate or use acronyms when texting, or 3. They weren’t lucky enough to get a decent education. That doesn’t keep me from cringing, however. I pretty much quit NextDoor because of all the off-topic political flaming.

      1. I had also given up NextDoor due to the political arguing. But recently I needed a recommendation for a handyman so I braved the site and found nobody there is talking about politics now. I’m guessing the election season will get it going again, but it’s a nice reprieve.

        As for the grammar, I am in constant despair, especially when the news on NPR is riddled with grammatical errors. IMHO, the Republicans are finally getting exactly what they have long wanted and strived for – an uneducated voter population.

        1. Occsionally I brave NextDoor for recommendations. It does make me sad that originally it was good for gleaning local news, but no more. I especially hoped it would make up for the local police dept. no longer reporting crimes to my favorite crime map, but it’s too full of rumor and speculation.

          Bad grammar even on NPR? That’s sad. I wonder if the British sources are as bad — BBC and The Guardian. I need to start paying more attention to them.

... and that's my two cents