Colorado’s Chimney Peak appeared in first ‘True Grit’

13 thoughts on “Colorado’s Chimney Peak appeared in first ‘True Grit’”

    1. Yes, I believe it is the same location Spielberg used for Close Encounters. It does kind of ruin the True Grit pathos for me to wait for Richard Dreyfus and the aliens to arrive.

  1. I really enjoyed the clip, PT. In addition to reliving the excellent conclusion of the movie it gave me an appreciation for the great attention to detail required in making modern settings retro.

    I was also reminded of the settings in so many of the oaters I saw in my youth. That same patch of dry rocks seemed to appear in at least half of them, and probably did. It was probably not far from Hollywood.

    1. Not sure which “patch of dry rocks” you’re referring to, but if there was a location near Hollywood that looked like the Old West, I’m sure it was used repeatedly. I enjoyed the John Ford movies filmed in Monument Valley. To me, those were the classic, stereotypical Westerns.

      Coincidentally, the newer True Grit with Jeff Bridges aired yesterday and I got to see the story again. I love the bearded gruff character that Bridges is today, but to me John Wayne will always be the real Rooster Cogburn.

    1. I’ve lived long enough to see a lot of movies get remade. And I can’t think of a time I thought the remake was better, or even as good. I don’t know if it’s because the remakes really are inferior or if it’s just some psychological thing about preferring the one I saw first.

  2. With the yellow aspens, wow, that really IS the True Grit location. Never thought about it from the previous post & photo. Was humming the music off and on today and with each viewing, still hope Glen Campbell will make it out… can’t help it 🙂

... and that's my two cents