Too soon old, too late smart

15 thoughts on “Too soon old, too late smart”

  1. Must agree re not sitting on the pavement, Colorado ! If I occasionally find myself down there, I simply order the two largest people around to get me up and instruct them precisely how to do it. But it’s a luverly poem, nonetheless.
    I shall join you in octogenarian respectableness next month, still wearing jeans but having managed to shuck off 30 kilos a year back, and kept it off for the first time in my life. Wish I’d done it while Chic was still here.
    You don’t need to practise (note differentiation between us) getting old: you need only to put it out of your head. You’re still 32 inside !! 😀

    1. Wow, congratulations on that weight loss! I’m beyond envious. I need to do the same, by my heart just isn’t in it. I’m trying to put the birthday out of my head but for some reason this one in particular really got to me. However, as they say, it certainly beats the alternative.

  2. When I was a kid, my mom had a heavy, yellow, metal clad desktop tape dispenser that had that saying printed on one side and repeated on the other side in German. My mom’s parents were of German ancestry. When I was little she had to explain what it meant, as the wording doesn’t follow normal childhood speech patterns. I understood it well enough then, and of course now, at 71, so much better! It definitely caught my eye because I have almost never seen it written anywhere else.

    1. You’re in luck. Red hats are a lot easier to find than purple shirts. I rarely wear hats, but red baseball caps would certainly be easy to find.

    1. That sounds fabulous! I’d thought that when the time comes, I might get one like my mom had — clear plastic(?) filled with pink rosebuds. But purple sounds so much better and more like me. I’m not the pink rosebud type.

  3. I’m older than you by 6 years. I will admit to feeling my age physically, lately at least, but I’m still learning and wondering about life, science and the human experience. I suspect that’s how you feel as well, Brenda. Love the poem!

    1. I’ve always thought you were younger, maybe because I’ve never seen you in purple. (Psst, I’m Susan. You’ve been over talking to that nice Brenda Looper again, haven’t you? 😉)

      And BTW, Happy Father’s Day!

... and that's my two cents