Today is Earth Day

8 thoughts on “Today is Earth Day”

  1. Stringer said that we would one day destroy ourselves … but that the Earth would recover eventually from whatever hideous thing we did, and it would all start again.
    I wonder if the next lot will be as stupid and greedy as we ?

    1. Third rock from the sun. Our presence here is just incidental, a moment in time. It would be nice, however, if we didn’t reduce the place to a barren rock before we disappear.

  2. Nature lives with balance and cycles. Humans, who are addicted to chaos, hyperbole, impatience, and adrenaline, would do well to take a deep breath and try to return to nature…for our own good
    Happy Earth Day! Everyone outside!

  3. Scientists say that a runaway greenhouse effect is unlikely, but not impossible. For sure though, the climate can, and is, becoming more uncomfortable and unhealthy. Denizens of Phoenix AZ are living on the edge of catastrophe if the power fails. The Today Show says its temperature is expected to hit 98 degrees today. In April!

    1. I don’t understand how or why anyone lives year round in Phoenix. Obviously it offers something that makes it worth enduring the excessive heat, but if their power ever goes off … (and for that they depend on water coming from Colorado … )

... and that's my two cents