Toys for big boys: Gifting our police with military gear

Those who’ve been following the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Mo., this week have undoubtedly seen or read commentary about the militarization of our local police departments. If you’re curious about what surplus military equipment the Defense Department has given to your county, see the excellent interactive map posted by the New York Times a few … Continue reading Toys for big boys: Gifting our police with military gear

Twelve years later and still overreacting to terrorists

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Ted Koppel writes that we have overreacted to terrorism, that we have done to ourselves what the terrorists could never have done. And of course I agree with him. I said the same thing two years ago. Koppel’s commentary apparently was prompted by the closing of US embassies across North Africa … Continue reading Twelve years later and still overreacting to terrorists

Tsarnaev to be tried in US criminal court system

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is lucky there’s a Democrat in the White House because by now Republicans probably would have declared him an enemy combatant and whisked him off to a secret prison someplace. If he died while being waterboarded … too bad. What’s another dead terrorist. Never mind that he’s an American citizen on American soil, entitled to … Continue reading Tsarnaev to be tried in US criminal court system