Supreme Court strikes down buffer zones at abortion clinics

7 thoughts on “Supreme Court strikes down buffer zones at abortion clinics”

  1. Bullshit! That’ s exactly what’s between the ears of those judges. Everyone has right to go about their business on any public street without being harassed by nutbars with religious agendas.

    1. Absolutely. This had nothing to do with anybody’s freedom of speech. It had everything to do with religious zealots wanting greater freedom to harass and intimidate.

  2. I have not seen this kind of anger in my house since the women here set through the Clarence Thomas hearings, this ruling has touched that same nerve. I think these guys are in for a true “shit storm” that they are incapable of imagining at this time.

    1. Suffice it to say my dad, an ob/gyn, was one of the founders of Planned Parenthood of Central Oklahoma. You can’t get much closer to home than that. I am apoplectic.