McCain will continue as CNN fixture

11 thoughts on “McCain will continue as CNN fixture”

  1. You can always do what I do, switch the damned TV set off. Or better still don’t switch the bloody thing on. I never turn mine on until I’ve checked to see what is being televised. I know what I’m going to watch and at what time I’m turning off.

    I don’t have the frustrating annoying problems which you seem to be experincing PT. Sometimes I go for days without turning on the TV, and just tune into one of 3 radio stations that I like to listen to, they don’t have ads and they play classical and jazz music only, with very little talk and with my head buried in a book life is just fine 🙂

    1. The quickest way to check the TV schedule here is to turn on the TV (cable shows the schedule). I have the TV on most of the day, if only in the background, just for company. (And usually tuned to the news because daytime TV is even worse.) The TV/Xbox is my entertainment center, with games, music, movies, etc.

      1. I have my set on pretty much all of the time PT. Sadly, especially considering all the channels I have, sometimes cable news seems to be the closest thing to ‘worthwhile’ that’s thing on. Want to guess how much that annoys me?

  2. John McCain is a war hero and was an outstanding naval officer, just the kind of guy you would want to fly jets armed to the teeth against an enemy. Fearless, daring, fun-loving in a reckless sort of way. Unfortunately, the same characteristics are just awful for a politician. But there’s no changing human nature. It’s the same reason people want to get advice from Hollywood stars on marriage, nutrition, and happiness. Yuk.

    1. I was never that impressed with McCain’s “hero” status (I don’t think managing to survive a long imprisonment and torture makes you a hero). I agree with you, however, that military service does not necessarily make you a good politician.

      1. I don’t think managing to survive a long imprisonment and torture makes you a hero.

        Shock is not too strong a word for my reaction to your statement. I am at a loss as to what would qualify as heroism in your opinion here?

        What would be your opinion of a man who caved immediately to the enemy’s demand for all information he might have that would benefit them? What would have been the effect on the morale of U.S. forces had he cooperated with the enemy? No big deal? You have never been more wrong.

        1. I think of heroics as involving the saving of others. Going above and beyond to save someone else. I suppose you could say McCain did that by not giving up any information, but isn’t that what all soldiers are sworn to do? Just give name, rank, and serial number, so to speak? There was a time when I was quick to say someone was a hero, but the media have so diluted the term that I’m loathe to use it anymore. I also think true heroes are humble and self-effacing about what they did. They don’t try to capitalize on it, or let others (like a political party) capitalize on it.

        2. Then, using your definition of heroism would mean that Captain James B. Stockdale, U.S.N., whose story was similar to McCain’s, ought not have been awarded the Medal of Honor for his behavior in the Hanoi Hilton. You are of course entitled to whatever definition you wish, but it’s far too narrow for me. In my opinion, acting bravely and keeping faith and allegiance during six years of brutal confinement and torture trumps impulsively falling on a grenade every time.

        3. I appreciate that you’re speaking as a former naval officer. I’m speaking as a very cynical, disaffected voter. I suspect the truth is somewhere in between.

        4. As a voter? I will give this dead horse one more whack.

          Politics may well come into play respecting heroism in the Iraqi Army, which it has, but it’s extremely rare in our armed forces. We fight for our country and it’s constitution, and ultimately for our buddies, regardless of politics. In America, heroism is apolitical.

... and that's my two cents