Trying to end on a high note

15 thoughts on “Trying to end on a high note”

  1. I certainly share your passion for beautiful and intriguing photographs but that rug was briefly pulled out from under me a couple of weeks ago when I was introduced by ‘NPR’ to an artist named Richard Estes who is a painter whose paintings look like photographs… literally. I was bedazzled by his work and the technical aspect of it. Forgive me but I must share on the chance you may be unfamiliar with the artist as I was….

      1. Thanks for pointing me to your post and link. More amazing work. I especially like the young girl and the toy cars – just so realistic. I’m sure you’ll sniff out some more nice photos this coming year which brings me to…

        Have a Happy New Year! 🙂

  2. I agree with I.M.,stunning! Alan G. Thank you for that link,all i can say is WOW! 82 years young gives me hope. One of my favorites this year was the video of the monkey saving his friend,oh yes the one of the policeman hugging that young boy.Have a Happy New Year.I believe the goodness is out there we just have to look deeper for it…Mary from Alabama.

  3. Totally agree on the short supply, but what a beautiful example you found. Could never sit patiently long enough to capture a shot like this egret– perfect exposure, the symmetry, the backlighting of each feather- wow! (In your case, if no suitable photos are available… simply walk outside and look to the west/northwest?) Happy 2015, PT!

... and that's my two cents