Why I wouldn’t live in Los Angeles

12 thoughts on “Why I wouldn’t live in Los Angeles”

      1. Been to San Francisco twice, Salinas (Steinbeck Museum) Monterey, stopped overnight in Bakersfield on way back from Las Vegas; didn’t really take note of those things you mention.

        1. Actually, now that I think about it, I’ve never lived where I didn’t need a car. And that includes the West, South, and Northeast US.

        2. It would be fabulous to live where you could walk to work – but the size and “width” of our cities don’t allow that…along with the 100 degree high humidity weather for multiple months.
          I used to routinely, daily drive almost 100 miles a day when a local sales rep. Visit Houston or Dallas and you’d get the concept of sprawling cities of the West…San Francisco isn’t a good example…
          We keep voting for mass transportation systems locally…for decades..but only get more studies..and polluting/ disgustingly dirty inside buses

        3. We’ve got light rail developed or developing throughout the metro. But the metro sprawl means people still have to drive miles to the stations. My son rides the spiffy express bus line, but has to drive 5-6 miles to the station.

  1. I have a cousin that grew up in the Bay Area. For a while he lived in LA, was (and still is) a pilot for a commercial airlines. He told me that, at one time, LA had the best public transportation system in the country. The “Big 3,” as we called them then, did something to control and nearly destroy the public trans system so that people would need to buy cars. Back then, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

  2. That video clip is amazing. I have to wonder, if all those cars were self-driving, wouldn’t the spacing be enough greater that they wouldn’t fit?

    We lived in San Diego 1969 to 1971, or at least Mollie did. I was at sea most of that time. Even then, driving on the “freeways” was different from elsewhere. One joke was that looking over your shoulder when merging was a sign of weakness.

    I’m glad we live in Joplin, pop. 50,000. Everything is 6 miles away or shorter. : )

    1. That merge thing is one reason I opted for a turbo engine on my 6-year-old car. It’s for safety, not hot-rodding. I haven’t the nerve to try merging with a car that needs a quarter mile to get up to speed.

... and that's my two cents