Ulmer is here

20 thoughts on “Ulmer is here”

  1. OH MY GOSH!! Stay safe and warm, hopefully your power will stay on. March is definitely trying to keep us guessing weather wise!

        1. I will, my son is in Indianapolis and they’re expecting bad stuff, so I’ll be keeping an eye on his weather too. Luckily, we both have basements.

    1. No kidding. No leaves on the trees and no snow accumulation, so I’m distressed that branches are breaking. But if it’s from the pear tree … well, I was warned that they are very brittle.

  2. There has been so much horrible weather and climate change conditions this past year and these winters!
    I’m in central Florida and it concerns me this year for hurricanes again, as we’ve had a nice mild pleasant winter..makes me wonder what’s coming our way again.

    Can’t imagine dealing with your winters.

    1. This is an epic storm, even for Colorado. The winters are usually not bad at all. It doesn’t really snow that often, and when it does, it usually disappears within a day or two just because the air here is so dry. We’ve had an unusual amount of snow in the mountains this winter, but that’s great for all. The skiers love it, and it boosts the water supply for the entire state.

      I’ve been in Florida twice in my life and couldn’t stand the humidity. Also prefer snow to hurricanes any day!

        1. Oh, I get that. You certainly aren’t alone in that. But at almost 76, I find I can deal with cold better than heat. Maybe because I’m carrying so much “natural insulation.”

  3. They nailed it alright. Had ch 7 Denver on for a bit as kid was supposed to be on flight that way (canceled, but had already notified people rescheduling was in progress)
    Spring flowers ought to be lovely this year ( We’re using rain coats, there be sure but hang on to the dog today – such winds!)
    Paws crossed power stays on for you and Annie

    1. Yes, the airlines and schools were very proactive this time, much to their credit. So often they’ve waited too long.

      Hadn’t thought ahead to spring, but for sure we’ve got a lot more moisture this year than in previous springs.

      Thanks for the crossed paws. They’re working so far!

  4. I live in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California where we also get snow and a bit of rugged weather, although nothing like that of Colorado. We have lived here 18 years, and have never seen such weather as this year. Our average rainfall is 40 inches; this year, with more predicted, we have had 52 inches–27 inches last month. May you stay warm, dry, and with lights on! Blessings always.

    1. Thank you, Shirley. Yes, still warm, dry, and lights are on. Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with all the snow on my front walk that the city says must be cleared within 24 hours of any storm! You take care, too. Mountains are gorgeous but so unpredictable.

    1. It does. And we did. But today it’s mostly sunny and windy, perfect conditions for melting/evaporating snow. If I glare at my front walk long enough, it will clear itself.