Denver braces for Xylia

9 thoughts on “Denver braces for Xylia”

  1. Thundersnow. I experienced that many years ago. I was still back in Indiana going to Purdue. I was guiding canyoneering/backpack trips for the Sierra Club in the canyons of southern Utah. This was back in the early 90’s. I honestly don’t remember where I was in Colorado, but had been climbing up and up and up, heading to this big monstrous pass. The pass had a very sharp – nearly hairpin – turn in it at the crux. When going up, the sky was full of dark clouds, and I believe it was raining. As soon as I came around that sharp turn, the canyon just dropped straight down on my right, it was snowing heavily, and massive bolts of lightening will flashing down what seemed like feet away. It wasn’t that close, but sure seemed like it.

    I was both terrified and exhilarated at the same time. I didn’t realize that was possible. It was an event I will never forget. Oh, and I was driving an ’86 Mustang, rear-wheel drive, 4-cylinder. I was very experienced in driving in snow having grown up in northern Indiana – but just not on a huge decline down the side of a mountain. I had the car full to the ceiling with backpacking gear and food so had plenty of weight. But it was most definitely slow-going down that side of the pass.

    One of my favorite memories.

    1. Thundersnow is just plain cool. it’s a natural event but uncommon enough to be really exciting if you’re lucky enough to hear it. There were some reports today of people seeing lightning in the snow clouds. I’ve never seen that.

  2. Saw some neighborhood pix. The first day they said the snow was fluffy ( and the German Shepherds frolicked like crazy in the yard)…but then after a cold night it became hard as a rock and slick.
    Really nice to be able to not go out right?
    Glad you got provisions – monks are just nuts these days – not worth it.
    Enjoyed the Plant Lady on Denver ch9. So St Patrick’s day is the traditional Front Range day to plant summer veggies in pots…’cause you know you’ll have to bring them in…

    1. I don’t know what that Plant Lady was talking about. The rule I’ve always heard is don’t plant anything until after Mother’s Day. But yeah, I suppose you can bring pots in if necessary.

      I was out shoveling — very little — yesterday and it was the heaviest snow I’ve ever encountered. Fortunately some neighbors came to help. Couple of women from up the block; none of the men from across the street! Had to do it in layers, a couple of inches at a time. Some reporting station somewhere said Thornton got 22 inches. But it was blowing and drifting a lot and was a lot deeper in places. I had some brown snow plastered to the back fence. Weather people said it was dust from Mexico. Dog wouldn’t leave the deck. Up to 6″ on the deck. She had to posthole when she ventured out today. It was too dense and crusty to plow through.

  3. Thundersnow. We get that often enough here in the Great Lakes, especially in the lake effect snow bands that cut through the SW corner of our lower Peninsula here in Michigan. My God, it is BLINDING to drive in. Blizzards are bad enough but through in random searing white flashes and you become aware of your mortality.

    I used to live in the Denver area and foothills. I LOVE Denver. It’s very ‘Denverness’, ie climate and altitude, does not love me back.

    1. I’ve always loved Colorado but didn’t get to move here until I retired. Yes, the altitude bothers some people, along with the dryness. I lived in upstate NY for a couple of years and experienced lake effect snow. Not my cup of tea!

... and that's my two cents