Free to leave

10 thoughts on “Free to leave”

  1. I’m someone who protested the Vietnam War, so I feel some alliance with these students. I agree that blocking the entrance to the schools and anti-semitism is not warranted and is wrong. But I disagree that killing civilians in Gaza is not our problem. To me, it’s a moral issue: when the murder of children and women, presumably innocent victims, is accepted, we all suffer.

    1. Oh I didn’t mean that Gaza is not our problem. It’s the civilized world’s problem. I just meant the protesting students are not directly involved like those being drafted back during the Vietnam protests. (I was out of school by then, but my husband and brother were draft age and we marched in some of those protests.) I am very much opposed to what’s happening in Gaza and very upset that President Biden hasn’t levied some heavy penalties against Netanyahu. What’s been happening in Gaza for years is criminal and I’ve written a lot about it in the past.

  2. I agree with your sentiments, Susan. I would make a further point. The protesters’ goal of divestiture in arms for Israel is misguided. The arms industry, a.k.a. the military-industrial complex, also produces materiel for our own defense at a time when our own supplies are running low, not ti mention the need to support Ukraine with munitions. A better goal would be to stop or diminish arms shipments to Israel, something the Biden administration is already doing.

    1. I’ve read several explanations of why the demands for divestiture are naive and impractical if not impossible. I agree with you that Biden should tell Netanyahu to stop the slaughter in Gaza and negotiate a two-state solution or we’ll stop sending sending the arms and money he’s using there. I resent being made a party to Netanyahu’s madness.

  3. This issue – “supporting Palestine” – has outgrown its origins, mightily.
    Protesting about it has become The Thing of The Moment.
    There are amongst students those who seek A Cause, a way to be different – just as there are among the people in general. These last cling to a truly dreadful man simply because he represents DIFFERENCE; while the students do the same.
    Neither group is actually thinking about what it professes to champion.

... and that's my two cents