Grandma plays Ingress

16 thoughts on “Grandma plays Ingress”

    1. LOL. It might even continue to be fun, if I don’t cripple myself first. I don’t expect to be much more than a minor annoyance, since it takes a lot of walking around and a lot of group cooperation to level up. But if I can just annoy the opposition occasionally, that will be fun. My name will show up on the map (however briefly) and the portal owner will get an email notification that they are under attack from moi. 😀

      1. It’s bad enough that half of them assume it’s nothing but a boys club. Women agents have it rough to start with. Keep fighting the good fight; when you get to level 4 or 5, you can be a lot more annoying.

        1. I’m more than half way through L7 now and can be very annoying. I play as a lone wolf, however, so haven’t met any of the other players in the area except family. I’m used to the boys club thing. Been gaming since Everquest.

... and that's my two cents