I will not live in fear

11 thoughts on “I will not live in fear”

  1. Take care that the new “PC Police” don’t come after you! 😀

    But seriously, with all the talk of how we need to cut spending, roll back government expansion, and “get government out of our business,” not one of the TEA Party folks has stepped forward to decry the mind blowing amounts being spent to create and maintain the secret post-9/11 “spy on everybody” infrastructure talked about in the PBS “Frontline” documentary Top Secret America.

    That link contains the entire 53:41 video, but I also found this Sneak Peek: Inside “Top Secret America” on Youtube. 😐

    1. Thanks for the links. I watched the Sneak Peek. If Priest and Arkin haven’t mysteriously disappeared yet, then I’m probably safe for a while.

      I had gone into the spending thing, but finally decided it was diluting my point. Yes, I’m furious that so much money (my tax money) is being spent to spy on me! And to keep fighting “wars against terror” in Afghanistan and Iraq, when the relatively few terrorists we know about are in Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere. I’m angry that this insatiable beast known at Homeland Security keeps growing like kudzu, all to fight an idea, not a nation or a people we can ever defeat.

      Frankly I see terrorism as an international crime problem, something to be dealt with by law enforcement and intelligence agencies, alert citizens, and a few special ops military groups for pinpoint strikes when appropriate (all of which were in place before 9/11). That’s where the rubber has met the road so far and I think that’s the way we should continue to handle it.

  2. Amen to this post, Pied, and Izaak and ImA too. And allow me to add this: Not only did America’s leaders, and I’m talking Bush/Cheney here, allow us to be terrorized into recklessly stampeded into two unnecessary wars, adding redundant massive layers of bureaucracy and engaging in needless and confusing “contracting”, but they did so at the expense of what they should have been doing – repairing our century-old electrical grid and making far-reaching improvements to our ability to thwart the introduction of WMD’s into our country. Instead, here we are fighting the “last war”, searching geezers and babies for bombs in their underwear. These are symptoms of organizational panic and short-sighted leadership. OMG.

    1. It’s always the “last war” until the next one comes along. And we know it will, likely sooner than later. And here we sit on our crumbling infrastructure, and our crumbling economy, with our drawn-down armies spread too thin all over the world … helluva mess we’ve got. And our leaders seem interested only in winning the next election.

... and that's my two cents