Walmart yanking us around again

18 thoughts on “Walmart yanking us around again”

    1. I saw something about that last night. Pathetic, isn’t it? I wouldn’t shop at Walmart if it were the last store in town (and sadly, in many towns it is).

      1. It’s a horrible “Catch-22” situation, isn’t it? They so popular because their prices are so attractive to the very poor, and there are more and more very poor because companies like Walmart keep putting the places they work out of business! 😕

        1. Twisted is the word. Imagine paying your employees so poorly that they need food donations — and then asking them to donate to each other instead of … oh, I don’t know, paying them more? Giving them holiday bonuses?

        2. That’s the way Walmart thinks. Stick it to their employees and the public and pocket the resulting profits. Of course, on the flip side, nobody is forcing anyone to work for Walmart.

  1. Never been in a Wal-Mart, never will go. Also, those stores whose logos are in the photo for this entry are the very stores who are making their employees work on Thanksgiving Day. I can see a grocery maybe being open until 1:00 for all the people who forgot this or that ingredient, but retail outlets have no reason to be open other than greed–both theirs and the people who are self-absorbed and selfish enough to actually expect others to work so they can save $10 off a toaster or some garbage like that. This year, I am shopping small vendors and businesses through venues like their own websites or Etsy. Enough is enough.

    1. I’ve never been in a Walmart either. I don’t like anything about them or their business practices and will never spend a dime there. I was beyond delighted when citizen opposition here stopped the planned construction of a giant new Walmart in a redevelopment area.

  2. Just one more reason to stay away–far away–from Wal-Mart.

    Love this line: “Instead of nibbling away at Thanksgiving an hour at a time, Walmart has swallowed it whole and pushed the holiday shopping season up an entire week.”

  3. As long as the FED continues to dilute the money supply by printing money to hide irresponsible government spending, Wal-Mart will continue to be supported by people who’s money is worth less and less. As a retired person with a fixed income, I’m one of that group. Besides that, I frankly appreciate the fact that Wal-Mart charges less than most other retail outlets for the exact same merchandise while at the same time paying their employees more than the minimum wage. I avoid shopping at places that increase prices because of their so-called name recognition for the same reason that some people avoid Wal-Mart because it doesn’t.

    1. As long as I can afford to not shop at Walmart, I’ll not shop there. It’s my own little form of protest. I know it doesn’t make a bit of difference to them, but it does to me.

  4. Until there is a paradigm shift towards “people’s well being” and not greed — it will continue to be a downward spiral–

    Right now if you don’t have money, you can’t afford the luxury of avoiding walmart. Sadly, every day more people cross that line.

    1. Capitalism is based on making a profit, not people’s well-being, and Walmart is entitled to make a profit. Still, there’s profit and then there’s exploitation. Someone pointed out here in the past that Walmart’s business plan is to create and maintain its own customer base. Apparently they’re doing a good job of it because they are the worst paying company in America:

  5. I wouldn’t darken their door, except it’s the only place that sells a decent $3.00 bottle of wine. However, every time I buy one, I secretly hope the rascals are taking a loss on that item.

... and that's my two cents