The intransigence of hate, 2021

11 thoughts on “The intransigence of hate, 2021”

    1. Now I’m the one with goose bumps. I don’t recall hearing this song before, but it’s painfully to the point. And as always, the people “with God on their side” still don’t recognize themselves.

      (I’ve fond high school memories of Baez singing live at a local coffee house which was literally in a back alley.)

  1. Yes, thank you for this post. It’s a hard topic, but so important. The sanctioned hatreds presented by trump and his evil clown posse is the most heartbreaking of all the horrid shit he stirred up with his great America con. So many CINOs completely ignoring their messiah’s teachings to wonder at the beast.

    1. Hi David!. Good to see you again. This particular topic continues to be frustrating and heartbreaking for me. I have no tolerance for willful ignorance, but that’s what it looks like over there on the right side of the aisle. Of course that makes me guilty of intolerance, too. I can’t even preach “look at the truth!” because it means different things to different people. Facts? Science? Can’t even get agreement there. Left and right are more deeply divided than ever and I don’t know how the nation is supposed to survive this.

... and that's my two cents