Born $849,000 in the hole

5 thoughts on “Born $849,000 in the hole”

    1. Some of this can and should change. But women will always be the ones having the babies and may always be the ones who live longer. We can’t change our genes and chromosomes. I may be locked into last-century thinking, but I don’t think men and women will ever be “equal” and I’m not sure I’d want them to be.

      1. As you say, PT, there are fundamental differences between the sexes, physical, hormonal, and I used to believe, emotional. Are not women the kinder, gentler, more nurturing sex? But now that women are openly competing in the business world, I’m not so sure any more. Heart disease used to be the bane of men primarily, but that has changed with women’s heart attacks becoming much more common, apparently because of increased stress from their changed lifestyles. Maybe under those pretty exteriors lie just as much drive, ambition, vanity, and competitiveness as any man has. And not only that, but by demanding both roles, mother and breadwinner, I suspect the woman may encounter even more stress than men. I’ve had the thought that women really ought to choose one role and stick with it, but then, that wouldn’t be very human. Both sexes are alike in competitiveness – we didn’t get to the top of the food chain by being wusses.

        1. The Atlantic article (said to be their most widely read ever), while I thought it overly long, laid out the situation very well. It is unrealistic, and always has been, for women to think they could have careers, marriages, children, equal pay, etc. without sacrificing one or more of those things, although the author allowed that a very few superhuman, extremely driven women might come close, I doubt there are very many women like that around. There simply aren’t enough hours in a day, or years in a lifetime, to be everything a man is and have and raise children. That’s not being equal; that’s being superhuman.

... and that's my two cents